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KMID : 0359319960360040845
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
1996 Volume.36 No. 4 p.845 ~ p.858
Immunocytochemistry , In situ hybridization and electron microscopy for early diagnosis of Aujeszky¢¥s in living pigs

The purpose of this study was to establish early diagnostic methods for the detection of Aujeszky¢¥s disease viral antigens and nucleic acid in nasal cells, and buffy coats from experimentally infected living pigs by a combination of immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization with digoxigenin(DIG)-labled probe and electron microscopy.
Forty days old piglets were inoculated intranasally with 10^(7.0)TCID_(50) of Aujeszky¢¥s disease virus (ADV, NYJ-1-87 strain).
The viral antigens and nucleic acid of ADV were detected in nasal cells, and buffy coat for 20 days after inoculation by immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization with DIG-labeled probe and electron microscopical method. The results were compared with conventional methods such as a porcine Aujeszky¢¥s disease serodiagnostic(PAD) kit, neutralization test(NT) and virus isolation.
1. The viral antigens, nucleic acids and capsids of ADV were detected in nasal cells, buffy coats from 3 days to 20 days after inoculation by immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization with DIG-labeled probe and electron microscopy, respectively.
2. When viral antigens were detected by the immunocytochemical technique, a diffuse brown deposit was observed in the nucleus and cytoplasm of nasal cells, buffy coats and PK-15 cells under a microscope.
3. DIG-labeled DNA probe was prepared by amplification of conserved sequence of recombinant ADV-gp50 clone with polymerase chain reacction. When ADV-DNA was detected by ISH with DIG-labeled probe, purplish blue pigmentation were observed in the nuclei and cytoplasms of ADV-infected cells under a microscope. Positive signals were observed in nasal cells and in the buffy coat and PK-15 cells at the first day after inoculation.
4. Where ADV-capsids were detected by transmission electron microscopical method, aggregation of capsids was observed in the nuclei and cytoplasms of nasal cells, buffy coats and PK-15 cells.
The results suggested that these methods were considered as the highly sensitive and reliable tools for rapid and confirmative diagnosis of Aujeszky¢¥s disease in living pigs.
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